Voice Actors Rave Over Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F
The ever popular Dragon Ball Z franchise is back with another offering, Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F and it is another slam-bang action-adventure that fans would love.
But before you hit the theatres for the limited showing (August 4 till 12), it may interest you to learn a few spoilers from the voice actors themselves.
Moviepilot had a chance to interview Sean Schemmel, voice of Goku and the voice of Vegeta Christopher Sabat to talk about the latest feature film.

Sabat shares that in the process of doing Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F the English voice actors had a chance to be involved in the whole creative process. They entire team collaborated to produce the movie and they had a chance to meet with the Japanese voice cast. The meeting gave them the opportunity to share their views and their interpretation of their characters, which had helped them do better in their voice acting for the latest movie.
Schemmel also excitedly shares the moment he had with Masako Nozawa, his Japanese counterpart, in the world premiere of the movie in Los Angeles.
Sabat reveals a bit of what to expect from his character, Vegeta – and by that “gasp” alone it can make any fan run to the theatres with anticipation.
The two also raves about the excellent voice acting of Chris Ayre’s as the movie’s villain Frieza. Sabat adds that fans of the original series will truly appreciate Chris’ performance as his interpretation pays an homage to the original Japanese character.
And of course, it has to be asked – Who wins in the fight between Goku and Superman? Schemmel goes on to explain for over 35 mins (though sadly not shown in the video) – in the end, “God mode changes everything!”
Now that you got your voice actor sneak peek fix… go watch the movie!