Voice Over Talent Industry News

Do Voice Actors Ever Take Holidays / Vacations?

I’m going on holiday! That’s right. Time off. To relax. And not work. Not one bit.

“Got your travel mic and portable booth packed up Nic?


“Just in case a little job comes in, from a regular client?


“You wouldn’t want them to find someone else while you’re away, and not come back to you after your holiday, would you?

Stop it…

“You might have a quick re-do to record urgently on a job that was finished a month ago, what if they need you?

Don’t do this…

“What if you get a call from (*insert super big production house you’ve been trying to get on the books with for a year here) and they need you ASAP, but your supping a sangria on a catamaran in the Canaries

Stop it! And breathe. (Good use of alliteration by the way… Thanks, what’s that?”  Google it you moron.)

Look, I am not bringing recording things on holiday. I am having an actual holiday. Because it isn’t illegal, and the entire industry will be here on my return. It will.

“But what if…”

NO! There may be a teeny risk of missing a once in a life time opportunity. But, if they want me bad enough, they can wait a few days. That’s right. They. Can. Wait. *snaps fingers. Oh god, famous last words?

I love being a voice over artist and the self-employment that comes with it. It’s flexible, varied and socially acceptable outdoor clothing is optional. But the lack of holiday pay and chance you might miss jobs makes taking real holidays hard. I travel lots for comedy gigs, and I have a portable set up which means I can still record on the road. But once in a while, a bloooo moooon, let’s say, I think it’s important to have a real holiday, with no professional contact. To unwind, refresh and have time to think, make new plans, heck maybe get your vim ’n’ vigour back. So…

Pre Departure ‘please don’t think I’ve quit and find a new voice’ tips

By Nic ‘I’ll be back sooner that you can say “shall we just get another Irish voice”…’ Redman

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Done! That’s me, off for cocktails in the sun and greasy suncream hands. Actually if you think about it, holding a mic would be a health and safety risk what with all that lubrication from the SPF50 anyway. So, there you have it. For my own health AND safety. I shall be leaving the mic at home.

Sionara. Arrivederchi. Au Resevoir.

*Dons sombrero, grabs hip flask, trots to airport…


Yeah, in my dreams. See you on the flip side folks.