How to Get Your Voice Back after Partying?

We understand. Voice over talents are normal human beings just like us. You have your life outside work. You may have had some liberties that voice overs don’t normally do on a regular work week – like staying out late, drinking a bit more than a glass of wine, eating sweets, drinking liters of coffee, and maybe even smoking, making you vulnerable to throat irritations that leads to losing your voice.
Dehydration and fatigue can make your voice sore. The increase intake of alcohol or caffeinated beverages, staying out late, not getting enough rest, and working your voice too hard can give your beloved voice a problem. But do not worry, here are some tips to help you recover faster and get help you get back in your studio faster!
When your throat starts to feel itchy and speaking becomes an effort, you should stop speaking right away! Even talking in a soft voice can actually worsen your condition as it strains your vocal cords, so avoid engaging in a conversation. If you must, carry around a notebook or use a text-to-speech app. Let your voice heal by being silent. Imitating Charlie Chaplin for a day isn’t that bad right?
DRINK and stay hydrated.
AVOID alcoholic and caffeinated drinks, and drink plenty of water for one of the factors in the strain in your voice is dehydration. Cranberry juice can help loosen the mucus. Apple cider vinegar also works great with sore throat. It contains natural antibacterial properties which fight the infection, and like cranberry juice it is a natural expectorant that loosens and thins the mucus or phlegm present in the throat. This helps you breathe and swallow easily. Sip it in small amounts several times a day with water. Warm tea with honey also soothes without drying your throat. Ginger may also help you. It can serve as a pain reliever because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It also boosts immunity to help fight infections that cause sore throats. Drink at least a cup of warm ginger tea to ease your sore throat.
Avoid menthol cough drops or throat lozenges, the cooling effect you feel in your throat is the evaporation of alcohol that leads to more dryness and irritation. Use fruit-based or glycerin-based non-mentholated cough drops or candies. When you feel a tickle in your throat, use an expectorant product that does not have ingredients such as dextromethorphan. Remember that it is important to consult a doctor before taking any antibiotics, or over-the-counter medicines and expectorants.
Rest, drink and medicate – three things to keep in mind to get your voice back on track. But here’s a bonus – BLOWING BUBBLES.
This method involves just blowing through a straw. This is an effective relief to your vanishing voice and give life to your tired voice as it works the muscles that give your voice its regular projection abilities.
But as they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. As your voice is your product you should always take extra measures to take care of it, and not abuse it. You should articles on how to take care of your voice and be mindful of what you drink, or eat. Yes, you still need a life outside work but taking things in moderation will not really hurt you that much.
If your vocal problems persists for long periods or you are prone to losing it, it is best to consult with a throat specialist or an ENT (ear, nose, throat specialist).
How do you prevent yourself from getting a sore throat or catching a cold?